
New Instagram banned hashtags (February 2018)

advertising February 25, 2018
It seems Instagram has been busy these last weeks, resulting in a big drop in engagement for most people (unless you have 10K+ followers and no longer need to use hashtags to make it to the discovery page). Popular hashtags such as #likeforlike, #like4like, #l4l and the equivalent #followforfollow hashtags are now black-listed by Instagram. What's more, using just one banned hashtag means...

Avis lentilles de contact Opticea (Opticea contacts review)

advertising March 06, 2017
FR: Le weekend dernier j'ai reçu les lentilles de contact que j'ai commandée chez Opticea par l'intermédiaire d'Amazon. Elles sont arrivées super vite: en seulement 2 jours! Ils offrent un grand choix de couleurs et meme des lentilles fantaisie pour les cosplayeurs. Moi j'ai choisi la couleur Menthe Claire de la collection "Lentilles 1 ton super naturelles" car ma grand-mère avait les yeux verts alors que...

Shoespie Wishlist

advertising June 26, 2015
To be honest, I can’t imagine a world without shoes. Shoes became more than just to walk on and to protect your feet. Nowadays they’re statements, eye catchers. Yes, I am a shoeholic. I can fall in love with a pair of high heels or some knee boots so badly. The best thing is, now when the new season started, the (online) shops are filled...

Choosing the Best Corset For You With The Burgandy Boudoir

advertising August 07, 2014
When I was looking for my first corset, I wandered how to choose the best one for me. All the models were very attractive but I didn't know much about the structure and making of a corset. Back then, there were few tutorials online so I had to learn along the way. My favorites quickly became the steel boned corsets that allow to...

Romwe Best Sellers

advertising July 26, 2014
Best Sellers, Best Price Ever! http://www.romwe.com/flashsale/activeleft?active_id=637 Starting at GMT 1:00 pm, 72 hours only 25th July-27th July Free worldwide shipping within 24 hours ...

Wedding Dress of the Month #1

advertising July 07, 2014
Chiffon Column Dress with Train and Beading I have realized that many of the shops I've been reviewing sell an array of wedding dresses and that I have unintentionally been writing about them in a hectic way. So from now on I plan to be more organized and to bring you one gorgeous wedding gown each month, in the hope to inspire some...

News of the Week

advertising June 15, 2014
Hey, everyone! New week starting up, with lots of projects for me. And the great news is that I have passed my exams, very thrilled :D So since I've been having a good time, I want to share some shopping news that might come in handy. 1.400+ hottest items, just $9.99 each 2.13rd June to 16th  3.Free shipping, shipped in 24h Go: http://www.romwe.com/flashsale/activeleft?active_id=551...


advertising June 11, 2014
Eyes Print Dress  Only $11.99 on June 12th, for 24 hours!  Save 52% and enjoy FREE SHIPPING! 100 special pieces iPhone 5/5S cases from our Print Collection will be send out randomly. >>http://goo.gl/zebCBe ...

LovelyWholesale Giveaway

advertising June 11, 2014
The rules are simple and we will choose three lucky winners with $100 vouchers for each. 1. Follow LovelyWholesale on Instagram 2. Like this post and repost to your account 3. Tag @lovelywholesale and #LWgiveaway It begins on 11th June and runs until 15th June, everyone could join us. More information to be checked here:  http://web.stagram.com/p/740136229489238685_270281687  ...

Buylevard Summer Market

advertising June 10, 2014
A new event from Buylevard that you can check out here: http://www.buylevard.com?utm_source=influencer&utm_medium=thesummermarket&utm_campaign=evento  A new event from Buylevard that you can check out here: http://www.buylevard.com?utm_source=influencer&utm_medium=thesummermarket&utm_campaign=evento  ...

Tidestore Wishlist

advertising June 09, 2014
You all know that I'm a shoeaholic. Really, I spend regularly at least one hour a day at these days to look at the shoes on internet. So, I stopped by www.tidestore.com today and found some amazing shoes that I had overlooked before. They were all crying "Buy me, buy me". I really don't know what to choose because I'm in need of a new swimming suit....

Haute Couture for the Vampires

advertising June 06, 2014
Ok, ok, pompous title, I know, don't take my throat for it! (Pun intended). Perhaps some will say that this post is overdue, or that the subject has been exhausted sometime in late 2011, that high fashion has gotten over its goth period. But the fact remains that these styles are my all time favorites! And every season we still get the awkward...

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