A quick visit to Chateau Chambordt is always welcome. I love that place. And although the weather has been moody and had us stuck inside most of the time, I did spend a good holiday. Christmas and New Years seem to have passed so fast this year! How I'd wish to celebrate once more before university starts again! But I'm chained to the...
I have long been in love with stories about women fighting for their love and Anna Karenina is one of them. She fights so hard that it brings about her destruction, making you wonder if there was nothing that could be done to save her before she jumped in front of that train... Bellast Necklace and Crown Ring My outfit was also inspired...
People define their idea of heaven in many ways, but mine is lying in the middle of a flower garden. It's a mixture of scents and textures, the moist grass, the velvety petals of roses, the scratchy thorns... And their season is sometimes so short, that they become really precious. How many stories have not been written around gardens and their magical inhabitants?...
In my last week in UK, before the exam session, my fiance has taken me to Bath. Words can not explain how amazing the city is! The limestone buildings and opulent decor make you feel like you've just stepped back in the Empire era. Not even the unstable weather managed to take away the city's beauty! And after a walk around the center,...